CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Convert your CGPA to percentage instantly with our easy-to-use calculator

How it works

Our calculator uses standard conversion formulas based on your selected grading scale. For 10-point scale: Percentage = CGPA × 9.5 For 4-point scale: Percentage = CGPA × 25 For 5-point scale: Percentage = CGPA × 20


Different universities may use slightly different conversion formulas. Please verify the specific conversion method used by your institution.

Quick Conversion Tables

CGPA (10.0 Scale) Percentage

Understanding CGPA to Percentage Conversion

How to Convert CGPA into Percentage?

Converting your CGPA into percentage is straightforward using our online calculator. The conversion formula varies based on your grading scale:

  • For 10-point scale: Multiply your CGPA by 9.5 (Example: CGPA 9.8 = 93.1%)
  • For 4-point scale: Multiply your CGPA by 25 (Example: CGPA 3.8 = 95%)
  • For 5-point scale: Multiply your CGPA by 20 (Example: CGPA 4.5 = 90%)

What is CGPA Percentage?

CGPA percentage is the conversion of your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) into a percentage format. This conversion is often needed for:

  • Higher education applications
  • Job applications
  • Comparing academic performance across different grading systems
  • Meeting eligibility criteria for various opportunities

Common CGPA to Percentage Examples

Here are some frequently searched CGPA conversions:

  • CGPA 9.8 out of 10 = 93.1%
  • CGPA 3.8 out of 4 = 95%
  • CGPA 4.5 out of 5 = 90%

How to Convert CGPA into Percentage out of 4?

For a 4-point CGPA scale, the conversion process is simple:

  1. Take your CGPA (must be on a 4.0 scale)
  2. Multiply it by 25
  3. The result is your percentage

For example: 3.6 CGPA × 25 = 90%

How to Find CGPA from Percentage?

To convert percentage back to CGPA, use these formulas:

  • For 10-point scale: Divide percentage by 9.5
  • For 4-point scale: Divide percentage by 25
  • For 5-point scale: Divide percentage by 20

Example: 85% ÷ 9.5 = 8.95 CGPA (10-point scale)

Why Use an Online CGPA to Percentage Converter?

Our online CGPA to percentage calculator offers several advantages:

  • Instant and accurate calculations
  • Support for multiple grading scales (4.0, 5.0, and 10.0)
  • Easy to use interface
  • Detailed conversion tables for reference
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Free to use with no registration required

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need to convert CGPA to percentage?

CGPA to percentage conversion is often required for higher education applications, job applications, or when comparing grades across different institutions that use different grading systems.

Are these conversion formulas universal?

No, conversion formulas can vary between institutions. While we use the most common conversion methods, it's recommended to check with your specific institution for their conversion formula.

What is a good CGPA?

• 4.0 Scale: Above 3.5 is excellent, 3.0-3.5 is good
• 5.0 Scale: Above 4.5 is excellent, 4.0-4.5 is good
• 10.0 Scale: Above 9.0 is excellent, 8.0-9.0 is good

How is CGPA calculated?

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is calculated by taking the weighted average of all course grades. Each course is weighted by its credit hours, and the total grade points are divided by total credit hours.

Can I convert percentage back to CGPA?

Yes, you can convert percentage back to CGPA by using the reverse formula. For example, for 10-point scale, divide the percentage by 9.5.